Reality Science

Smelter Operator Training

VR training around the operating procedures of the smelter mud gun including inspection, drilling, tapping, lancing and filling . Trainees are introduced to the hazards and processes associated with the work, in a virtual environment. The project reduces risk to personnel and equipment, reduces disruptions in the field for training, and expedites operator experience gain.

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Investment Education

A VR experience to address the importance of saving and explain the concept of compound interest. The VR experience is used at corporate wellness days to attract interest and encourage participants to make a call to action, for example electing to be contacted by a financial counsellor. Greatly increased engagement and interest at wellness days.

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New Mining Methods

A fully animated and narrated 3D experience, showing proposed new mining methods and equipment. The 3D video experience shows intangible concepts that are otherwise difficult to convey and showed the value the project could unlock to upper management, leading to it being green-lit.

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Pain Therapy and Meditation

A VR experience, providing a guided visualisation of the impact of how to leverage correct breathing during meditation. The experience has been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of VR-based meditative intervention in reducing pain ratings and modulating pain neuromatrix activity and connectivity among opioid use disorder (OUD) patients.

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